Product Description
Namibind Loose Note Counting Machine for All New and Old Notes GMR v5 lose bill counter with fake note detection machine This model LARGE FRONT FACING DISPLAY With an easy to read LED screen round front display with hopper capacity 200 bill note capacity front display extra display gmrv5 100% fake detection count speed 5 seconds per 100 note gamer and 5 design according to international quality Design has been taken from Namibind Last 15 years working in Money Counting Machine Manufacturing Industries Bill counter is needed in every industry like Bank, Factory, Gas Agency, Show room in every sector Equipped with latest and advanced technology counting for all new 10,20,50,100,200,500,2000 INR, Three powerful methods to detect Functions: Automatic start, stop and clearing, with batching, adding and self-examination (display) function Counting Speed 1000pcs/min